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Hey all! I’ve seen a ton of YouTubers do “Vlogmas” so I thought I’d do a 25 days of Blogmas. I’ve made a new section on my blog specifically for all my posts related to blogmas. Here I’ll post every day about what’s been going on and the idea is to post at least one picture each day or maybe even a video… we’ll see about that one haha. The holiday season is one of my favorite, but maybe I’m biased because my birthday is so close to christmas. One of my favorite holiday traditions is to watch the 25 Days of Christmas and my all time favorite movie is probably Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer or any of the Santa Claus movies… ok I LOVE THEM ALL!

This was kind of a last minute idea. I thought it would be fun to blog consistently and to be able to look back on my last winter break as a college student 🙂 Almost like a virtual journal.

Be sure to follow me on instagram, twitter, and sign up for my email list to get notified when I post. Hope you enjoy!



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I'm a 20-something gal living in Philly working a 9-to-5 by day and blogging by night. I enjoy exploring new places, finding sustainable swaps, and learning to live a more intentional lifestyle.

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