Blogmas DAY 1: Caught on Camera
Hello there! Today was super productive. I was stressing over a lot the due dates for final projects and presentations, but finished most of my work for the weekend today during work. I also found time to take Kobe on a long walk with Trevor, which was nice because it was a warmer day. We also took a trip to guess where…

TARGET!!! Somehow, after looking at all the holiday decor and clothing I left with a bag of white chocolate peppermint Hershey Kisses and a bag of Project 7 champagne gummy bears. If your Target sells these gummies go ahead and buy yourself a couple of packs. I’m addicted to these. They’re not as good as the Sugarfina bears, but still super yummy (they also make great stocking stuffers “hint hint”). I tried to find an advent calendar, but couldn’t find any! If you have any good ones that aren’t chocolate based let me know in the comments, since I’m not a huge fan of chocolate.
I think Trevor and I are going to watch the first Avengers movie tonight. Have you guys seen the trailer for the new movie? Check it out, it’s pretty awesome 🙂
Did you guys enjoy the first day of BLOGMAS? We have a long way to go and hope you’ll stick around!
Did you guys enjoy the first day of BLOGMAS? We have a long way to go and I hope you’ll stick around.

BTS with Target! JK just me mid hair flip