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Blogmas DAY 21: It’s Snuggle Season

Hey guys,

Welcome back to Blogmas! Tomorrow is my birthday and Christmas is only 4 days away! Where did the time go? I’m excited to finally be done with my college finals and spend a little time with my family before heading to Trevor’s for New Year’s. What are your holiday plans? Do you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.? Let me know in the comments!

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So I guess I’ll just summarize the last week or so…

Since finals, I’ve just been relaxing and packing up my stuff to go home for winter break. Trevor and I did a little pre-Christmas/ pre-birthday gift giving on the this past Tuesday. It was really fun, I got Trevor Catan a really fun board game I’ve been getting into lately. Trevor describes it as a mix between risk and monopoly, I also got him so really cool socks from American Eagle.

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He ALSO got me socks! haha Great minds think alike, right? He also got me a cute holiday mug that said snuggle season on it and a holiday tea set from David’s Tea. I’ve been trying them all out since I’ve gotten it and they’re SO GOOD. (David’s Tea, if you’re reading this please sponsor me??) Since it is loose leaf tea, he also got me a cute tea infuser to steep it.

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Yesterday I packed up a lot of my stuff, did a little Christmas shopping, and Trevor and I went to the shelter to donate some small gerbil food and cages. I can never resist visiting the animals so we also played with the cats and dogs while we were there. I always love going to the shelter this time of year and seeing all the “adopted” or “pending adoption” tags on all the animal cages 🙂

After we had dinner, we went to Vegan Treats because the flavors were chocolate and speculoos, my favorite. If you don’t know what speculoos is, it’s basically crushed up cookies to make a cookie butter. It’s delicious on toast with some cut up bananas, almost like an alternative to peanut butter.

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Today… Kobe’s December Bark Box came in the mail and this month’s theme was Dogmas (doggy Christmas!!!). I get way too excited about Kobe getting his Bark Boxes haha. The toys are always so cute and Kobe loves trying new treats every month. It’s like Christmas every month for your dog and if you love seeing your pup super happy, for you too! Check out Bark Box here for your first box free with a 6 or 12 month subscription. Want me to do a review/unboxing of Kobe’s barkboxes? Let me know in the comments. 

Hope you guys are enjoying the holiday season and spending time with your family. Be sure to like this post if you made it until the end and subscribe to my mailing list for exclusive content 🙂



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I'm a 20-something gal living in Philly working a 9-to-5 by day and blogging by night. I enjoy exploring new places, finding sustainable swaps, and learning to live a more intentional lifestyle.

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