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Blogmas DAY 3: Candy Cane Treats

Hi there, so glad you could stop by for Blogmas Day 3! If you don’t know what blogmas is or why I’m doing it or you want to read the previous days check it out here 🙂

Today was another fun & relaxing day. I still had a headache from yesterday, but Trevor and I managed to walk over on the North Side of Bethlehem (the historical part of town where our college is located) with Kobe. It’s known for being a “Christmas town” so there were a lot of holiday vendors out and about. I really want to go later at night when Main Street is all lit up. The walk was a nice way to get some fresh air, but it made me sad to see all the pretty leaves gone from the fall leaving the trees bare.

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Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
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I also managed to stop in a new dog store on Main Street and picked Kobe up a little holiday treat. I haven’t bought him that many treats since subscribing to barkbox, but it was his first time on North side and he was getting overwhelmed by all the tourist I felt bad and splurged. Plus I’m a sucker for holiday themed treats whether that’s human treats or dog treats haha.

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Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

After the walk we made some yummy avocado toast, mine is the best and my secret is adding cumin, and watched the Patriots game. I finished up some homework and did some laundry for the week. I worked on a couple gift guides that I’ll be posting soon so be on the lookout for those in the coming week!

Hope you guys are enjoying blogmas so far. I really like the idea of just kind of talking to you guys and telling you what’s going on in my life. It’s also getting me to blog more and find creative things to do to share with you all.

Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll stick around. For more blogmas and notifications of when I post, sign up for my email list or follow me on wordpress!



hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm a 20-something gal living in Philly working a 9-to-5 by day and blogging by night. I enjoy exploring new places, finding sustainable swaps, and learning to live a more intentional lifestyle.

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