Blogmas DAY 5: Coding is Fun
Hi guys, welcome to day 5 of blogmas. I was pretty busy finishing up my entrepreneurship group project and senior design project, but I managed to sign up for Codecademy! This week is Computer Science Education Week and I thought it would be fun to get into coding for fun rather than just for my major. I’m familiar with C++, but this past summer I interned with a company that primarily used Python. I also wanted to learn a little more about html and how to build a website from scratch, as well as, be able to customize my blog with CSS.

I think coding is an important skill and I wish I got into coding earlier on in my life. Codecademy is a great way to learn the basics and even go further with a pro subscription, which is only $19.99/month (I think), or the intensive workshops they have, which start at $199.
Also, in support for Computer Science Education Week. The Google homepage has a doodle, which you can click on and play interactive carrot coding game, which is pretty neat!

If you’re looking to get a gift to inspire coding check some of these out!

Know a geeky friend who’d like this? Or someone who loves learning new skills? Tag’em in the comments 🙂
Stop by tomorrow for another blogmas post!