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Fall Festivities New England Style


Trevor and I at Cider Hill Farms last year.

I can’t believe this is my last fall break ever (woo hoo senior year!!!). It’s hard to believe this time last year Trevor and I ventured back to his hometown in Massachusetts for the first time together. Last year we went to Cider Hill Farms with his mom and to be honest I’ve been dying to go back ever since. We decided to make a tradition of it and pick apples. We took home a dozen cider donuts and some honey sticks. On our way out we tried local hard cider since Trevor is finally legal!

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Trevor and I unfortunately had exams following our fall break therefore we went to the local coffee shop downtown to study for a few hours. We breaked for a little by taking the dogs for a walk and playing a game of around the world in the back of the house.

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Later, we headed to Trevor’s grandparent’s house for a yummy homemade dinner where we talked and caught up. The dogs came and surprisingly had a fun time playing the whole time! After dinner we went to a birthday party for a friend of Trevor’s parents. I think Trevor and I were the youngest couple there, but it was fun chatting with new people with some good food 🙂

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Sunday we went to the beach for some fresh air and vitamin sea. I once saw that the cure for anything is saltwater, sweat, tears or the sea. Whoever said that was so right! Walking along the beach the with the person I love and his family (including the dogs!) was exactly what I needed to melt the stress away of exams and job hunting.

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Later that day we made nachos and sat down to watch the Patriots game. I think Trevor and his dad were tense the whole game, but mostly Trevor haha. After the game, we headed back to Lehigh. I was sad to leave, but glad I was able to take some time away from school for a relaxing weekend.

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I'm a 20-something gal living in Philly working a 9-to-5 by day and blogging by night. I enjoy exploring new places, finding sustainable swaps, and learning to live a more intentional lifestyle.

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