Twenty-seventeen was really the year of self care. You can check out the resolutions I made in 2017 here. I think for the most part I did a really good job of making sure I was staying healthy for myself and those around me. 2017 was one of my best years yet… I spent another year strengthening my relationship with Trevor, brought Kobe home for the first time, learned more about blogging, and so much more! I’m really excited for 2018 and all the adventures it has to bring. Here are some of my goals/things to keep in mind for the upcoming year. I also wanted to thank all of you guys for following my tiny corner of the internet. I’m so thankful for all your lovely comments and the inspiration you guys bring to me! I hope you’ll continue to follow me into 2018 🙂
Stay Positive
I recently received The Five Minute Journal, a gratitude journal made by Intelligent Change. After reading over the introductory pages I was skeptical if taking five minutes out of my day in the morning and evening would completely change my perspective. I’ve been writing in the journal for about five days now and I can already feel myself trying to recap the day with all the positive things rather than the negatives. This year I want to try and focus on the positive things in my life. Of course there will be bad days, but in the worst days if you can find something positive I count that as a success.
Give Back
In 2017 I did a lot for myself and that’s totally okay because I needed it, but I’m ready to start giving back again. I want to volunteer more at school and truly become a part of my community. Every Christmas, I realize just how lucky I am to have my health, food on the table, and a roof over my head. I wish everyone had access to these basic needs, but unfortunately not everyone is born equal. This year I want to start giving back and fighting back for those who cannot.
Go Green
I’ve always believed I was a “green” person, but lately I’ve been slipping thinking, “oh I’ll leave my lights on” or “It won’t matter if I throw out this one can” I’m done making excuses and it’s our generation that needs to start considering how our actions are affecting our planet. 2017 felt like one natural disaster after another. It’s Mother Nature’s wake-up call! This year I want to focus on reducing waste learning more about eco-friendly living practices, and educating others.
Enjoy Books
I was definitely a bookworm when I was kid. I always watched my parents run around never making much time to read. I couldn’t imagine not reading a good book before bed or on a rainy day. As I got older I fell into the same cycle as everyone else. Now that I’m in my last semester of college I want to make it a habit of reading a few pages before bed. I already have a bunch of books on my docket, but if you have any good suggestions, leave the title and author in the comments!
Empower Women
My last goal of this year is to start empowering other women. 2017 was a great year for women with the #MeToo Movement as Time’s Person of the Year. Women speaking out and standing up for other women has empowered me to help young girls become confident in their skills and speak their opinions. Last night’s Golden Globes Time’s Up movement where everyone showed up to the red carpet in their LBD (little black dress) along with Oprah’s Lifetime achievement speech was such an empowering moment and just the beginning of the movement of 2018.
So here’s to the silence breakers, here’s to the movers, makers, and shakers… 2018 is our year!
Becca XX